


その後、一般財団法人への移行(2012年)を経て、財団設立25周年(2019年)を機に団体名称を一般財団法人 日本音楽産業・文化振興財団、英語表記をJAPAN MUSIC CULTURE EXPORT(JMCE)に変更し、お蔭をもちまして令和5年3月31日に設立30周年を迎えることができました。





一般財団法人 日本音楽産業・文化振興財団
理事長 後藤 豊


The Foundation was established in 1993 as a non-profit organization with the mission of promoting the music industry and culture in Japan and globally. Its activities include conducting surveys and research on music industry and culture, disseminating the findings, providing training, organizing festivals, and collaborating with domestic and foreign organizations.

In 2012, The Foundation was transitioned into a general incorporated foundation to further expand its activities. In 2019, on the occasion of its 25th anniversary, the organization underwent a rebranding process and changed its English name JAPAN MUSIC CULTURE EXPORT to embark on a new chapter.
Thanks to this change, we were able to celebrate our 30th anniversary on March 31, 2023. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their strong support and warm encouragement.

Looking back over the past 30 years, not only Japan but also the world music industry has changed greatly. In particular, the worldwide spread of music subscription streaming services has become a big game changer, and global streaming distribution including UGC platformers represented by SNS and short videos has brought new winds to monetization and promotion methods.

It has been a long time since the term "globalization of the market" was coined, but this concept will only grow in importance in the future. In this context, we anticipate that various requests for JMCE's services will continue to increase, such as creating opportunities for business matching and networking with overseas industry players, supporting promotions, and providing know-how.

Fortunately, our foundation is an organization that includes record companies, publishers/copyright holders, performers, the concert business, and the entire music industry. To unite the entire music industry and establish it as a hub for the overseas expansion of Japanese music, the Foundation will continue to implement various measures, including the Tokyo International Music Market (TIMM), to support the overseas expansion of Japanese music. I am committed to these efforts.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

President Yutaka Goto